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Mission: See memo on part iii attached.

Programs: Neacop annual training conference conferences & training seminars for law enforcement administrative professionals, specifically chiefs of police from new england. Progranm service outputs: conferences and training seminars quantity provided: annual training conference held in september of 2014 and was attended by 50 members of the association. Goal achieved: better communication and understanding amoung chief executives in law enforcement. Service provided: training seminars for law enforcement administrative professionals; information on current topics and issues.

jimmy fund cancer research program - dana farber cancer institute in boston, massachusetts program service outputs: to assist dana farber cancer institute in order to find a cure for cancer, especially those affecting children. Quantity provided: monetary donation goal achieved: funding for a cure to cancer.

special olympics - each of the 6 new england states program service outputs: to assist the special olympics in each of the new england states assist individuals with special needs. Quantity provided: monetary donation of 6,000.( 1,000 to each state organization in new england) goal achieved: funding for individuals with special needs. Service povided: funding for individuals with special needs.
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