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Causes: Human Service Organizations, Human Services

Mission: The New Sun Rising exists as a non-profit organizational framework that launches projects to positively impact cultural, environmental, and social wellness. Our organizational goal is to create measurable change through projects that will primarily affect the region of Western Pennsylvania through direct action, education, social service, goods, and training. There will be a focused effort to creatively approach projects by incorporating cultural elements to further enhance the societal benefit. The projects will be introduced or identified through the Board of Directors, and developed and executed through the membership and committees. The New Sun Rising exists and governs with the following values: accountability, awareness, creativity, inclusiveness and balance.

Geographic areas served: Primarily Western Pennsylvania Region

Programs: The entity runs a fiscal sponsorship program to provide access to restricted funding, grants, tax-deductible donations for regional projects.

the organization provides social innovation services and training to build vibrant communities through economic development and social impact.
PO Box 58005, Millvale, PA 15209
Human Services
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