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Causes: Civil Rights, Education, Mental Health

Mission: Our mission is to ensure that no one faces mental health challenges alone. We envision a world without shame or discrimination related to mental health, brain disease, behavioral disorders, trauma, suicide and addiction with universal access to mental health education, support, and resources. We aim to cultivate the go-to peer support community and be the driving force behind a positive shift in perspective by fostering a culture of inclusion and empowerment -- creating a world with NoStigmas.

Results: - Social media community of 75,000+- Mailing list of over 10,000 individuals- Ally Program with 1,800+ participants since launch in May 2017- Peer Support Group with 300+ members- Directory of 290 community-based support resources- 120+ Ally Stories shared- 80+ educational articles written- 52 professionally produced Public Service Announcements (PSAs)- Internationally recognized and trademarked name and branding- Ally Training program (copyright submitted, independent study pending)- Robust technological infrastructure scalable for exponential growth- Onstaff lived-experience speakers and workshop facilitators- Program marketing and outreach toolkits* Current as of 3/1/18

Target demographics: We serve anyone affected by mental health or suicide-related challenges.

Direct beneficiaries per year: Over 2,000 Allies, 5,000 event attendees and 75,000 community members.

Geographic areas served: We facilitate a global network.

Programs: - Ally Training Program- Peer-2-Peer Support- Inspiring Events- Dynamic Speakers- Resource Database- Learning Center- Stories of Hope
ATTN: Jacob Moore 301 W Grand Ave #255, Chicago, IL 60654
Civil Rights
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