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Causes: Animals, Environment, Fisheries Resources, Protection of Endangered Species, Water, Water Resources, Wetlands Conservation & Management

Mission: Community based nonprofit organization strives to recover salmon by engaging our community in restoration, education, and stewardship.

Programs: Habitat restoration: nsea's salmon focused habitat restoration projects have a strong foundation in scientific methodology and are planned and implemented with many cooperative public, private, tribal, and business partners. Project staff led 17 new restoration projects in 2017 including in-stream work, large woody debris (lwd) placement, fish passage barrier removal, and livestock exclusion. In 2017, nsea staff and crew members planted 5,250 feet of streambank with native trees and shrubs and installed 23 lwd structures. Twelve fish passage barriers were removed, which opened 8.6 miles of habitat above the barriers. Additionally, 59 previous restoration projects, spanning 34,000 feet were maintained.

education: during 2017, program staff trained 46 interns who in turn, volunteered 4,743 hours of their time to support restoration, education and stewardship programs. The students for salmon, fourth grade, salmon-centric education program taught 1,496 students about salmon, salmon habitat and stewardship through 74 day long field trips. Participating teachers of the students for salmon program receive a full curriculum that nsea designed to meet the next generation science standards and classes receive two classroom presentations and one full day field trip at no cost to the school. Students for salmon participants planted 200 trees along local creeks, and most importantly, 93% of students demonstrated an increase in knowledge about salmon, salmon habitat and stewardship.

stewardship: nsea is a community based organization, and strives to engage community members in the process of salmon recovery. Volunteers support many different programs throughout the year, and help a small core staff accomplish far more than would otherwise be possible. Four americorps members and a washington conservation corps crew of six implemented projects, led programs and worked throughout the year to support habitat restoration and stewardship activities. In 2017, nsea's river stewards program, educated 3,772 people through 17 presentations, 17 stream walks, and 12 community events. The river stewards program provides information about salmon, salmon habitat and stewardship activity along the north fork nooksack river during summer months. The stream stewards program engaged 1,302 community volunteers who donated 3,907 hours at 28 community work parties. Volunteers prepared sites, removed invasive vegetation and planted 2,940 native trees along local creeks to help improve salmon habitat. Throughout these programs a total of 8,712 hours of volunteer time was donated to nsea in 2017.Many of those hours can be used as in-kind match to meet grant funding requirements. The dollar value of the volunteer hours donated in 2017 is worth 261,708.
3057 E Bakerview Rd, Bellingham, WA 98226
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