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Causes: Family Services, Health, Health (General & Financing), Human Services, Public Health

Mission: Nurse-Family Partnership’s mission is to empower first-time mothers living in poverty to successfully change their lives and the lives of their children through evidence-based nurse home visiting.

Results: The Nurse-Family Partnership® program is based on the pioneering work of Dr. David Olds. In the Nurse-Family Partnership (NFP) program, a registered nurse provides a first-time mom living in poverty with home visits throughout pregnancy until the child’s second birthday. The NFP nurse becomes a trusted resource to help the young mother have a healthy pregnancy, improve her child’s health and development, and achieve economic self-sufficiency for her family. There is more than 30 years of proven evidence from randomized, controlled trials – the most rigorous research method for measuring the effectiveness of an intervention. The following outcomes have been observed among participants in at least one of the trials of the program:-Improved health and development: 48% reduction in child abuse and neglect. -Improved pregnancy outcomes: 79% reduction in preterm delivery for women who smoke, and reductions in high-risk pregnancies as a result of greater intervals between first and subsequent births. -Reduction in juvenile crime: 59% reduction in child arrests at age 15.-Increase in children's school readiness: 67% reduction in behavioral/intellectual problems at age six. -Increased economic self-sufficiency: 83% increase in labor force participation by the mother by the child’s fourth birthday. NFP continues to measure the program’s effectiveness of each program by collecting data on the outcomes achieved by the moms enrolled in the program. These outcomes are tracked to ensure local delivery of the Nurse-Family Partnership is making a measurable difference in the lives of the families we serve. It’s a true high-impact investment -- not only for the mom, but for her child and the community. Independent research shows a community’s return-on-investment can be over five dollars for every dollar invested in Nurse-Family Partnership. The research is clear -- investing early in a child’s health through Nurse-Family Partnership improves the child’s development and opportunities for success later in life.

Target demographics: Women living in poverty pregnant with their first child.

Direct beneficiaries per year: Over 26,000 families in 43 states.

Geographic areas served: AL, AK, AZ, AR, CA, CO, CT, DE, FL, GA, ID, IL, IN, IA, KS, KY, LA, MD, MI, MN, MO, MT, NV, NJ, NM, NY, NC, ND, OH, OK, OR, PA, RI, SC, SD, TN, TX, UT, VA, VT, WA, WI, WY, US Virgin Islands

Programs: Improving pregnancy outcomes, improving child health and development and improving the economic self-sufficiency of the families we serve.
1900 Grant St Ste 400, Denver, CO 80203
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