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Causes: Human Services, Residential Care & Adult Day Programs

Mission: The mission of the omaha home for boys is to support and strengthen youth, young adults, and families through services that inspire and equip them to lead independent and productive lives.

Programs: Residential care program is community based support, utilizing a family environment and behaviorally-based curriculum to equip youth with positive skills and the ability to generalize those skills into all facets of their life. The program stresses youth have the ability to make good decisions when confronted with difficult choices and utilize the skills they have learned to integrate themselves into a position to have a successful future. The program provides at-risk high school age youth with a family structure, positive reinforcement, effective discipline and motivation to modify behavioral deficiencies and educational support to build proficiency, credit accrual, education skills and success. Youth live on the main campus in cottages with life skills teachers (house parents). There are up to eight youth per cottage, all with different backgrounds, experiences and needs. Many of these at-risk youth have been abused, neglected or abandoned.

transitional living program is located on a separate campus called jacobs' place. The program, featuring two apartment buildings and a learning center, is a resource for up to 18 young women and men ages 17 to 20 who struggle with lack of housing, support, education, and independent living skills. The young men and women in the program find the stability and security they desperately want and need. Under the structure and staff supervision at jacobs' place, these youth are able to transition from a state of crisis to one of safety and growth.

educational service program gives students the opportunity to continue their high school studies while in our residential care program in our on campus school. Our students are also given a chance to work in different experiential learning experiences in our 4-h program, various wellness programs, and workforce readiness opportunities. The vast majority of our residential care clients come to the home being extremely credit deficient in their home school. The ohb school has developed a program to focus on quality credit recovery for the time the student is in our care. The ohb school academic curriculum is two-fold utilizing both the portable assisted study sequence (pass) program and acellus. Pass courses offer great flexibility, allowing the client to progress through five activity books and accompanying tests at their own pace. Acellus is an online, interactive learning system. Students work closely with their home school district to develop an academic path that will satisfy their school district graduation requirements.

independent living program, called branching out, offers unique service options to young men and women ages 14 to 24.It is designed to fill in service gaps, create much-needed structure and skill development and increase success rates for foster care and former foster care youth. The participants are at high risk for unemployment, homelessness, and incarceration. These youth have limited access to secondary education and employment readiness. Through the program's curriculum and staff, youth are able to set goals and take steps to become independent and self-reliant. This includes an individualized development plan, goal-setting, educational support, employment support, and safe, stable housing in the community.
4343 N 52nd St, Omaha, NE 68104
Human Services
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