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Causes: International, International Agricultural Development, International Development, International Relief, Refugees

Oxfam America is committed to creating lasting solutions to poverty, hunger, and social injustice.

Programs: Regional ProgramsOxfam works with local organizations, providing funds and empowering poor people to play a central role in the development of their families, communities, and regions. Policy & AdvocacyOxfam combines research, advocacy, and campaigning to engage world public opinion and influence decision makers on behalf of people living in poverty. Public Education Oxfam fosters a broad understanding of the root causes of poverty and injustice and promotes the role each individual can play in a global movement for social change. Humanitarian Relief & RehabilitationOxfam provides immediate assistance to save lives in the event of a disaster. Once urgent danger passes, Oxfam continues to help people restore their livelihoods and prepare for future crises. Haiti Relief & Rehabilitation EffortsOxfam has received $97 million in aid, which has been put towards a three year plan for disaster relief in Haiti. Oxfam's programs are targeting to reach more than 1,000,000 people across both our earthquake and cholera response – with clean water, sanitation, shelter, seeds and running cash for work programs. Oxfam is providing water and sanitation to more than 317,000 quake survivors and is also collaborating with the Haitian government agency responsible for civil protection on activity planning and community accountability issues.
226 Causeway Street Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02114
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