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Causes: Health

Mission: The mission of PCOS Awareness Association (PCOSAA) is to inform the public about Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) by providing information and resources for women to get tested, as well as providing support for women diagnosed with PCOS. We, at PCOSAA focus on the following goals:Prepare: Provide women with information and resources to prepare themCommunicate: Let the general public understand what PCOS isOvercome: Help women with PCOS to overcome symptoms and decrease health problemsSupport: Be an organization that offers support and knowledge

Results: Facebook 65,000 LIKESInstagram 32,000 FOLLOWERSTwitter 7,000 FOLLOWERSMailchimp 6700 SUBSCRIBERSLinkedIn 900 SUBSCRIBERS2.6 Million website visits in 2019

Target demographics: Women with Polycytic Ovarian Syndrome

Direct beneficiaries per year: 80,000 women and their support systems

Geographic areas served: United States

Programs: Advocacy and support. We are always searching for new and exciting ways to better serve our population.
2215 Plank Rd. #234, Fredericksburg, VA 22401
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