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Causes: Environment, Natural Resources Conservation & Protection, Pollution Abatement & Control, Water, Water Resources, Wetlands Conservation & Management

Mission: Our goals include shoreline habitat protection and restoration, pollution prevention, and putting our region's economy and environment on a sustainable course. We accomplish these goals through public education and involvement programs, policy analysis and advocacy, and partnerships with a wide range of organizations, agencies and businesses.

• Protection of a full mile of unspoiled Maury Island shoreline, saved from a destructive gravel mine and loading dock
• Protection of 60,000 acres of marine habitat near Protection and Whidbey Islands in two aquatic reserves
• Permanent year-round tug stationed at Neah Bay to prevent oils spills, paid for by the oil and shipping industries
• 1,200 miles of Puget Sound shoreline protected through improved local ordinances
• 48 miles of shoreline restored, working with over 2,000 volunteers
• Low-impact development standards in storm water permits
• State phase-out of copper brake pads
• 300-foot buffer between vessels and orcas
• Goal to achieve a healthy Sound by 2020 in state law
• Toxic free toys legislation
• Phase-out of toxic flame retardants
• Seattle Styrofoam container ban

Target demographics: The 12 counties and shorelines surrounding Puget Sound and the Northwest Straits.

Programs: Sound Stewardship Our Sound Stewardship Program uses community-based restoration to contribute to the long-term success of restored shoreline habitat while engaging citizens. Safeguarding ShorelinesWe collaborate with state and local community groups to influence the updates of Critical Areas Ordinances (CAOs) and Shoreline Master Plans (SMPs). Alliance for Puget Sound ShorelinesPeople For Puget Sound is collaborating with The Nature Conservancy and the Trust for Public Land in a groundbreaking new partnership, the Alliance for Puget Sound Shorelines. The Puget Sound 2020 Action AgendaThe Gregoire Administration's Puget Sound Partnership is the best chance we have seen in many years to make meaningful progress in saving Puget Sound. Preventing Oil SpillsSince 1999 the rescue tug stationed at Neah Bay at the mouth of the Strait of Juan de Fuca has made over 40 'saves' of vessels in distress. We're working to keep the tug there, year-round. Managing Stormwater and Restoring Our Urban BaysSeattle, Bellingham, and Olympia provide opportunities for environmental improvements in the redevelopment of their waterfronts. Toxics in Puget SoundOur major focus on toxics in Puget Sound includes 1) prevention of pollution entering the Sound; 2) accelerated cleanup of contaminated sites; and 3) expanded source controls. Eliminating polluting septic systemsThis program is the next step in our efforts to restore dissolved oxygen levels in Hood Canal. Our focus will be on working with local jurisdictions as they develop on-site management plans covering septic systems. Education and Involvement We are significantly increasing our education program throughout the Puget Sound region through Kids for Puget Sound, beach walks, boat trips, conferences, our website and print publications, a monthly lecture series, and extensive outreach through speaking engagements.
911 Western Ave Ste 580, Seattle, WA 98104
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