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Causes: Centers to Support the Independence of Specific Populations, Human Services

Mission: To connect US Military Veterans diagnosed with PTSD or TBI with companion, therapy and Psychiatric service dogs by partnering with supporting animal shelters, breeders and rescue organizations at no cost to the Veteran.

Results: Pets Loyal 2 vets does not get involved in lobbying efforts of political parties from any party nor does any of its donations go towards any political efforts of any kind as suggested by misguided jealous individuals spreading false information on Great non-profits. Our 990 EZ would clearly show this but more importantly, WE DO NOT GET INVOLVED IN LOBBYING OR ENDORSING POLITICAL PARTIES OR CANDIDATES OF ANY KIND AND WE DO NOT HAVE A HISTORY OF THIS. PL2V is not a political lobbying organization and does not participate in lobbying efforts of any kind. The most recent posting by Gunny79 is the same person who for several years has tried to tarnish our name and reputation and now with hacking our Twitter account and posting false tweets. The six 1 star reviews are from the same group of individuals over and over claiming to be donors who have never donated to PL2V. They have with willful intent mislead anyone who reads their phony reviews in an attempt to sway people away from donating. We do however post re-tweets from many individuals and veteran groups on Twitter supporting disabled veterans from all across America. This is neither an endorsement of a candidate, group, individual or party as suggested nor a recommendation for any political party or candidate. In a country where veterans fight for all American's rights including freedom of speech, we will support anyone no matter who they are that supports disabled veterans with PTSD, TBI and MST and their efforts to help these disabled American veterans. This has included but is not limited to: The DAV, The VFW and The American Legion of which many of PL2V veterans belong to. This does not mean PL2V endorses any of their positions in the political arena or if they are a political member of any party that it is an endorsement of that person's or groups political party or their political ideologies or agendas. We are serving many veterans and help save many homeless dogs by adopting them to train with veterans from both sides of the political spectrum each week. Our programs are recognized by many legitimate organizations and respectful individuals throughout Minnesota and we do not discriminate against any veteran because they belong to one political party or the other. WE SIMPLY DO NOT GET INVOLVED IN POLITICS. PERIOD. These hackers and individuals have one purpose and one purpose only and that is to bring down Pets Loyal 2 Vets by continually smearing its name and reputation so they can advance their own for profit agenda's and doggy day care kennel business operations. We know who they are and so do all those who matter. They always attempt to attack potential donors which truthfully has not had an impact on us because our donor base knows where we come from and where our hearts are from working closely with us. We thank all those who have volunteered over the years and for the huge outpouring of donors who know us and continue to support our mission and goals.

Direct beneficiaries per year: Our goal is to support 40 + veterans per year

Geographic areas served: Throughout Minnesota and Pierce and St. Croix Counties in Wisconson.

Programs: Project CompanionSponsor a service dog and veteran teamDonate a dog for a vet

Donor & Volunteer Advisory

This organization's nonprofit status may have been revoked or it may have merged with another organization or ceased operations.
Human Services
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