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Mission: Project195 is a fully recognized 501(c)(3) nonprofit eco/humanitarian organization out of the United States. Project195 is here to educate, and aid as well spearhead projects that will reduce the damage that this and future generations will face. Our Mission:To educate and to initiate programs designed to help all 195 countries on our planet. To promote and instruct so that all nations can do their part in stemming the impending difficulties our children and grandchildren will face. Over the past three years we have organized and led community clean ups, held public forums on water conservation, filmed a television show about green tips around the home, and have led several trips to the greater New Orleans area, to assist in Katrina restoration, and have helped rebuild four homes and one church to date. And we're only just beginning! Thr_________________________________________________________ Please spend some time with us and gain a better understanding of what we do. For more information on Project195 please feel free to contact us and please consider becoming a member.

Results: see above

Target demographics: United States citizens

Direct beneficiaries per year: Thousands of Americans across the U. S. rebuild their lives

Geographic areas served: Joplin, New Orleans, Moore OK. , Little Ferry N. J. Moonachie N. J. , and any natural disaster site

Programs: Rebuilding and Restoration by the most sustainable means possibleNew YorkNew JerseyPennsylvania

Donor & Volunteer Advisory

This organization's nonprofit status may have been revoked or it may have merged with another organization or ceased operations.
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