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Causes: Community & Neighborhood Development, Economic Development, Environment, Environmental Education, Food, Food, Agriculture & Nutrition, Natural Resources Conservation & Protection

Mission: Our mission is to work with people in economically marginalized neighborhoods to develop resident leaders, cultivate community food systems, and grow community wealth through a neighborhood-owned economy.

Results: Through our Re:Farm initiative, we've establish almost 2,000 organic vegetable gardens for low-income families since 2009, producing over 500,000 pounds of fresh produce and saving these families collectively over $1M on their grocery bills. We work with each family to provide them with the skills and resources to become healthy and self-sufficient. We've also started 3 urban farms, including one hydroponic farm, producing healthy food year-round while providing meaningful employment. Through our Re:Unite initiative, we've created one of the most successful Promotora programs in the country. Since 2010, we've invested over $1.5M in Promotora training and employment. The model empowers individuals to transform their own lives and those of their neighbors through our leadership development and training programs. Through our Re:Own initiative, we're working to build community wealth through a neighborhood-owned economy. In 2014, we launched the Westwood Food Cooperative (WFC), which is the first food co-op in Denver since 1982, and one of the first in the nation to be owned and operated by residents from a low-income community. The Westwood Food Cooperative will ensure that all residents have access to healthy, affordable food, as well as the opportunity to become member owners of their cooperative, thus retaining profits within the community. We are currently in the process of a $10M catalytic property redevelopment called RISE Westwood, which will be a community hub for a Resilient, Inclusive and Sustainable Economy in Westwood. RISE Westwood will provide below-market building space for neighborhood organizations, and will provide the community with affordable access to healthy food, physical activity like Zumba and Yoga, a community commercial kitchen for emerging food entreprenuers, free cooking and nutrition classes, an art and culture center, a workforce training center, and a cutting edge technology classroom and curriculum.

Target demographics: low-income communities.

Direct beneficiaries per year: 4500 residents.

Geographic areas served: Southwest Denver

Programs: 1.) Re:Farm - developing community food systems through backyard gardens and urban farms. 2) Re:Unite - cultivating resident-leaders through our promotora model and our resident leadership training programs. 3) Re:Own - building a local economy through cooperative businesses that create good paying jobs, develops locally-owned resources, and generates wealth that is controlled by the community.
3800 Morrison Road, Denver, CO 80219
Economic Development
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