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Causes: Counseling, Mental Health

Mission: To prevent the danger caused by coercive groups that use a variety of psychological techniques to brainwash the people who don't know anything about how these techniques could persuade and control their will. A psychophysiological and scientific education is offered to orient people about the consequences and health ¬related risk factors related to the long term exposure to hostile organizational environments through the use of coercive persuasion. The principal advice and orientation is based on the scientific information and findings published by the National Institutes of Health, the National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health, the Health & Human Services, discoveries and research published by scientists from the world most prestigious universities.

Target demographics: To help a former or an active member of a group that uses coercive persuasion techniques to control people's will. Also, to orient and provide counseling for the families and loved ones of those who developed traumas, disorders, or experienced a drastic change in their personality due to the maltreatment and abuse of the coercive techniques used by those groups.

Geographic areas served: Service offered to people of all communities and from different countries

Programs: Radio shows, courses, seminars, conferences, orientation and counseling to alert, preserve and promote physical and psychological health, through the psychophysiological education about the consequences and health ¬related risk factors related to the long term exposure to hostile organizational environments that use coercive persuasion to control people's wills. The Corporation is organized exclusively for charitable, religious, educational, and scientific purposes. This is an exempt organization under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.
PO Box 24, Hampton, NJ 08827
+1 908 379-8081
Mental Health
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