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Causes: Philanthropy, Public Foundations

Mission: To provide quality journalism and compelling storytelling that informs, educates, and inspirescommunity.

Programs: We have accomplished a great deal in fy 2017 and continue to produce first-rate journalism and public events that reach audiences across rhode island. Our dedicated reporting beats cover the environment, health care and politics. Specific areas of focus included responses to new policies introduced by the trump administration, concerns about the future of daca recipients and other undocumented residents, and continuing coverage of the opioid overdose crisis. Other coverage included the closure of a local hospital and the proposed takeover of rhode island's second largest hospital chain, continued problems with the state's online benefits system and the impact of the nation's first offshore wind farm. Through an ongoing series, "a year at del sesto, " rhode island public radio is examining the use of "personalized learning" as a way to turnaround a troubled middle school. Our political roundtable team brings in the state's top decision-makers and office holders each week. We have added coverage of the south coast of massachusetts as a priority in our newsroom. And our annual series "one square mile" focused on the rhode island town that showed the biggest swing from blue to red in the presidential election. Through our partnerships with other institutions and nonprofit organizations, we continue to expand our reach and engage listeners. At the end of fy 2017, ripr began a partnership with the university of massachusetts dartmouth to expand the reach of our signal and to cover news and organize events for the south coast of massachusetts. Ripr remains a member of a regional journalism effort, the new england news collaborative. Working with reporters and news directors at eight public radio stations across maine, new hampshire, vermont, massachusetts, rhode island and connecticut, we are focusing on trends and changes affecting our region. The collaborative has produced individual features and series on issues including energy and the environment, immigration and health care. Annually, we partner with the providence athenaeum to produce two public forums on topics critical to our community. This year we organized panels focused on politics and the environment. The built-in question and answer (q&a) segment allows community members to engage with the subject matter and have their voices heard. As part of our series "one square mile, " we organized a forum in the town we covered this year, johnston, to discuss residents' reactions to the presidential election and local voting trends. We partnered with the rhode island foundation and the rhode island philharmonic for a live broadcast of the philharmonic's pops concert in roger williams park. We produced a special intermission program with feature stories about a classical composer whose piece was enjoying a u. S. Premiere at that concert. We also told the story of a father and daughter keeping alive the tradition of fixing and building violins, and we conducted an in-depth analysis of tchaikovsky's 1812 overture, a piece of music featured in the concert that evening, and one that has become a tradition at american pops concerts and fourth of july celebrations. Each summer we host a one day pledge drive to benefit the rhode island community food bank. The money we raise is matched by the rhode island foundation and other donors and given directly to the food bank. This year more than $15,253 was raised by this partnership.
1 Union Station, Providence, RI 02903
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