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Causes: Emergency Assistance, Human Services

Mission: Provide emotional support, crisis service programs and support for females living with the HIV/AIDS virus - including their children and family members. Offering community education and prevention projects.

Results: 14 Year old agency has chosen to "trail blaze" our efforts in designing "gender driven projects" to address the "specific" needs of women living with the AIDS virus. Our clients do not feel they fit into the LGBT category. With our decision to serve this demographic, comes the consequence of limited funding. Because of dedicated private donors and private foundations who believe in our mission we have maintained our Intake Office and telephone support network with success. Each year we serve over 200 women annually with no full-time paid staff.

Target demographics: Offer support to disenfranchised females of color living with HIV/AIDS who need assistance with community navigation, crisis counseling, food/transportation assistance and dependent/household support.

Direct beneficiaries per year: 205 impacted women

Geographic areas served: TX and U. S.

Programs: 30 day wellness telephone check-in by Care Team. Group support sessions with a meal and empowerment tools taught, Intake session with crisis, navigational and referral counselingPeer - led telephone support network
Human Services
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