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Causes: Environment, Forest Conservation, Pollution Abatement & Control, Water, Water Resources, Wetlands Conservation & Management

Mission: The mission of the santa fe watershed association is to protect and restore the health and vibrancy of the santa fe river and its watershed, for the benefit of the people and the environment.

Programs: Adopt-the-river program: 2017 marks the 15th anniversary of this program. The "adopt" program invites businesses and volunteer groups to care for the physical appearance of the river channel and corridor, and to serve as guardians of a particular river reach. This program is sponsored by both the city of santa fe and santa fe county, as well as through private businesses and individuals who "adopt" one of the 30 river reaches. The program sponsors a "love your river day" for river clean-up in february, a national river clean up day in june, and a "hunt for red rocktober" day in october. The santa fe watershed association commenced an adopt-an-arroyo program for the santa fe arroyos. This program mirrors the adopt-the-river program.

adult outreach and education: the santa fe watershed association leads hikes for adults into the upper watershed. The us forest service and city of santa fe personnel explain how the city captures and diverts water from the reservoirs for municipal use. Participants learn the characteristics of healthy forests and how they help protect our water supply and the benefits of ecosystem services. Sfwa has also given several public talks in the community about the need for healthy forests as a way to protect our municipal surface water.

outreach and education: through annual events, activities and classroom programs, sfwa helps our community become more aware of how the river interacts with the physical watershed (the land), the social watershed (the community) and the biological watershed (animals and plants). In 2017 just over 500 public school students participated in "my water, my watershed" program designed by our education staff. Each seven hour field trip provides experimental science-based curriculum that enables the students to explore their watershed, learn about the complex relationships between living things and their environment. Students are taken to the watershed and nichols reservoir, study macroinvertebrates in the river, and learn the characteristics of a healthy forest. Middle school students collect water samples twice a year to compare data with the water quality further downstream. The field trips mirror the curriculum taught during the school year. For many, it is their first experience with the river.

climate solutions university; sfwa contributes to the city of santa fe's climate change adaptation planning process by publishing the climate adaptation plan for the santa fe river watershed. Other programs initiated and sponsored by sfwa: santa fe demonstration-rain gardens, santa fe traditional communities.
1413 2nd St Ste 3, Santa Fe, NM 87505
Santa Fe
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