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Mission: Seaturtlesforever is a dedicated to recovery of marine turtle stocks in the Eastern Pacific Ocean. We operate a research station on Punta Pargos in Costa Rica where we have turned 99% poaching of the area into 80% successful hatches. We run an educational program for 7 schools in our nesting area, and manage huge amounts of marine plastics debris that makes landfall in our nesting area every year. We have been at it for 8 years and collaborate with other Costa Rican NGOs and governmental agencias to develop a comprehensive management strategy for the area and instigate application of tactics and protocols necessary to create a holistic attempt at recovery of a critically endangered cohort of Chelonia Mydas ( Green) and Dermochelys Coreacea ( Leatherback) turtles. Go to youtube for films of our work --- seaturtlesforever.

Geographic areas served: North and Central America
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