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Causes: Education

Mission: The mission of sophe is to provide global leadership on health education and health promotion and to promote the health of society.

Programs: Health promotion:sophe leads many health promotion initiatives, all designed to contribute to the global public health effort to improve health outcomes and eliminate racial and ethnic disparities. The initiatives include programs to provide training of students and professionals on the connection between behavioral sciences, health education, health promotion and the surrounding environment, as well as working with other national organizations, businesses, hospitals, schools, and local communities to reduce chronic disease risks due to poor nutrition, inactivity, tobacco use and other lifestyle risk factors. Sophe publishes and distributes a smoking cessation guide and provides training to health providers to help pregnant women quit smoking. In 2017, sophe completed a three (3) year cooperative agreement with cdc and published a final report, a video summarizing the project, and launched a new partnering4health website with all resources related to chronic disease prevention.

meetings:sophe provides educational opportunities for health education researchers, practitioners, young professionals and students by sponsoring an annual meeting. Sophe's 2017 meeting was held in denver, colorado with some 735 participants from across the united states. More than 45% were first time attendees. Meeting content included invited plenary and concurrent sessions, workshops, roundtables, posters, exhibits, award presentations and mentorship programs. The meeting provided a major source of continuing education credits for certified health education specialists and master certified health education specialists. Of the 244 persons who completed meeting evaluations, 78% said the conference was excellent or above average. Sophe planned a two-week training for 20 health education dignitaries from various chinese provinces; the training will be held in january 2018.It will include lectures and site visits to clinics, high schools, non-profit agencies, and universities in both washington, dc and new york city.

journal publications:in 2017, sophe published 17 issues of its three peer-reviewed journals: pedagogy in health promotion: the scholarship of teaching and learning, health education & behavior and health promotion practice. Pedagogy in health promotion published a supplement on u. S. Public health training centers, edited by emory university with support from the health resources and services administration. All sophe journals are must-have resources for the public health academic and practitioner communities. Sophe continuted to disseminate its other publications including an introduction to global health promotion (a textbook), health promotion programs: from theory to practice (second edition of an undergraduate textbook), tools of the trade 3 (e-book), a quarterly newsletter and a bi-monthly electronic newsletter.

health educationdistance education:sophe provided more than 30 webinars on various hot topics in disease prevention and health promotion. Speakers represented major federal agencies as well as researchers and practitioners throughout the country to enhance the translation of research to practice. Professional preparation and standards:in 2017, sophe continued to develop new teacher education standards for baccalaureate professional preparation programs in school health education. The standards were submitted to the council on accredition for educator preparation in july 2017 and sophe is awaiting caep feedback/comments.
10 G Street Ne, Washington, DC 20002
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