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Causes: Christianity, Mens Service Clubs, Recreation & Sports, Religion, Sports

Mission: A Christian nonprofit organization committed to inspiring men to increase their fitness levels and embrace a Special Forces lifestyle for Jesus Christ. To encourage men to place their soul (mind, will, and emotions) under the control (Soul-con) of the Holy Spirit.

Results: Since 2014 we have published two, six week devotional challenge books that build on each other with a third book in process of being written and the original being released in Spanish within weeks. We have had more than 10,000 men graduate from the group challenges which began with 20 men and now routinely pass 1500 participants. We have representation in every U. S. state and 34 countries (300+ men in Hungary who had the original book translated into Hungarian, for example). We have multiple social media platforms including our website Soulcon. com, The Soulcon Community page on Facebook, @Soulcon on Instagram, and our content rich Soulcon app. We are seeing redemption and revival in our graduates everywhere and more importantly the amats or boldness in Christ that is leading men to actively evangelize. We are focusing on being good stewards of what God has provided, improving what we do (the basics) daily, recruiting, especially our Spanish speaking brothers with the new Spanish translation, as well as Canada (Quebec is the least churched place in North America) and encouraging men to make the jump from our digital ministry to face to face accountability and discipleship groups while focusing on 1M1 (First Ministry First. . . family). We will continue to drop the fork that feeds our flesh and pick up our cross daily to advance the Gospel by force and encourage every man to do the same.

Target demographics: All Christian men and any seeking salvation to strengthen their walk with the Lord. Through Soulcon challenges and retreats, evangelism, discipleship, and any other means necessary, we desire to see every man take the necessary steps to a special forces lifestyle for Jesus Christ daily. To see men's ministry make a comeback globally by equipping men to war for souls digitally and ultimately face to face. The devotional challenges include diet and physical training along with spiritual growth however we meet every participant where they are physically, mentally, and spiritually. We stress that the challenges are "You vs. you for Him" and celebrate all improvement and accomplishment individually so previous physical condition is not a factor and each man can give HIS best for the Lord daily.

Direct beneficiaries per year: Since 2014 we have published two, six week devotional challenge books that build on each other with a third book in process of being written and the original being released in Spanish within weeks. We have had more than 10,000 men graduate from the group challenges which began with 20 men and now routinely pass 1500 participants. We have representation in every U. S. state and 34 countries (300+ men in Hungary who had the original book translated into Hungarian, for example). We have multiple social media platforms including our website Soulcon. com, The Soulcon Community page on Facebook, @Soulcon on Instagram, and our content rich Soulcon app. We are seeing redemption and revival in our graduates everywhere and more importantly the amats or boldness in Christ that is leading men to actively evangelize. We are focusing on being good stewards of what God has provided, improving what we do (the basics) daily, recruiting, especially our Spanish speaking brothers with the new Spanish trans

Geographic areas served: We have a dedicated worldwide network of volunteers in every U. S. state and 34 countries that support us in administering our six week devotional challenges in mass several times a year. Our last challenge groups numbered well over 1500 men and we have a weekly video conference call (including a sermonette from one of our executive leadership) that all challenge participants can view and interact on via the Zoom platform. Our social media platforms have over 36K users including private accountability groups for each challenge team and we provide stand alone written daily devotions, weekly video teachings, and daily motivational push notifications for our brothers, by our brothers. Our word of mouth recruiting has been highly effective along with our social media campaigns. Retention is based in encouraging face to face brotherhood and accountability at the local level. We have also begun building an online shop at Soulcon. com to push the message even further.

Programs: The Soulcon Challenge A six week devotional challenge to improve men in body, mind and spirit and bring them closer to the Lord. To develop discipline to place their soul under control (Soul-con) of the Holy Spirit. Ultimately to develop a Special Forces like lifestyle in being prepared to serve God. Soulcon Warrior Elite A six week devotional challenge that builds on the original challenge and promotes and even stronger and more impactful walk with the Lord including leadership training for men to utilize at home and in their communities.

Donor & Volunteer Advisory

This organization's nonprofit status may have been revoked or it may have merged with another organization or ceased operations.
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