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Causes: Health

Mission: Our MissionThe Star Legacy Foundation mission is to increase awareness, support research, promote education, and encourage advocacy and family support regarding stillbirth and neonatal death. Our VisionWe believe there is great hope for the future to prevent many stillbirths in the United States and around the world and we intend to bring this hope to light. We envision that through the utilization of technology, education and grassroots efforts, we can empower parents and families to be an advocate for their unborn babies. We Believe…Many stillbirths are preventable. Expectant parents should be informed about stillbirth risks and educated on ways to protect their pregnancy. Standard prenatal protocols should include a third trimester ultrasound to identify known stillbirth risk factors and subsequent management through home fetal monitoring when risk factors are identified. A national stillbirth registry should be created with mandatory participation to accurately collect stillbirth data. Stillbirth autopsies should be encouraged and performed consistently with established protocols. Stillborn children should be recognized with a certificate of birth. Families deserve and are entitled to support and guidance when facing the delivery of a stillborn child. Stillbirth, birth injury (cerebral palsy and others), premature birth and miscarriages may have some common denominators - finding answers to stillbirth may enlighten the path to reducing miscarriage, premature birth, and birth injury

Results: Star Legacy Foundation has supported hundreds of families throughout the United States and beyond who have been impacted by stillbirth, miscarriage, or neonatal death. The Stillbirth Summit brought researchers and advocates from 7 countries to share emerging evidence in stillbirth prevention. We provided over 200 hours of continuing medical education for health professionals. The helpful information for families are in use by over 30 facilities throughout the country and are available in English and Spanish with additional languages coming soon. Eighteen Champions held awareness events in their communities for Star Legacy Foundation in 2017 alone. We currently have 10 active chapters with several more in development!

Target demographics: prevent pregnancy and infant loss and improve care for families when prevention isn't possible

Direct beneficiaries per year: hundreds of families impacted by stillbirth, miscarriage, and neonatal death and hundreds more health professionals who care for these families or work to prevent pregnancy loss and infant death.

Geographic areas served: United States

Programs: STARS Study, Pregnancy Research Project, Health Professionals Continuing Education, Family Education Materials, Awareness Activities, Advocacy for Policies supporting families, International Stillbirth Summit, Support Groups, Support Line, Peer Support Programs, Family Support items
6430 City West Parkway Suite 100, Eden Prairie, MN 55344
Eden Prairie
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