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Causes: Judaism, Religion

Mission: The organization develops orthodox jewish leaders who see the idea that all human beings are "images of g-d" as a central tenet of their religiosity.

Programs: The summer beit midrash - a full-time five week seminar in the decision making process of traditional jewish law for college, graduate and rabbinic students with advanced skills reading rabbinic texts.

www. Torahleadership. Org - our website offers organized and focused access to mission-related torah content and provides an effective introduction to our vision, ideals, and programs. It is an effective curricular resource for rabbis and educators and attracts numerous students of torah, with thousands of hits and hundreds of downloads each month.

community education - occassional lectures, classes, publications, etc for the broader community

winter beit midrash - a full-time one week seminar in halakhic issues for college, graduate and rabbinic students with advanced skills reading rabbinic texts.

agunah - the organization develops and publicizes ideas and arguments that prevent spouses from being blackmailed or "held hostage" during or after civil divorce by a spouse who threatens not to participate in a jewish religious divorce. We also provide practical halakhic and legal advice to spouse who may or do find themselves victims of such a situation.
63 S Pleasant St, Sharon, MA 02067
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