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Causes: Arts & Culture, Arts, Culture & Humanities, Education

Mission: TAPIT is dedicated to bringing together court, medical, community, and sign language interpreters, translators and transliterators in the state of Tennessee and elsewhere, to build upon their common interests and concerns in order to enhance the professional image of translators and interpreters by educating the public and users of language services, while stressing the importance of language proficiency and professional skills through training and certification in one or more languages. This Association is organized as a nonprofit entity with the following objectives: 1.To advocate on behalf of and promote the recognition of interpreting and translating as a profession, and to protect and safeguard the rights and interests of professional interpreters, translators and transliterators in Tennessee and elsewhere. 2.To foster the highest level of ethical and professional standards of interpreting and translation. 3.To provide a forum for discussion of interpreting and translation issues among interpreters, translators and transliterators, courts, legal services and health care providers, as well as with the agencies and individuals who contract for interpreting and translation services. 4.To publish periodical newsletters, as well as announcements, glossaries, and any other publications which may advance interpreters, translators and transliterators and their interests. 5.To hold periodic meetings and organize, support and conduct lectures, courses and workshops for interpreter and translator training and continuing education 6.To serve in an advisory capacity to interpreters, translators and transliterators, and to actively represent their professional interests before courts, court administrators, legislative bodies, attorneys, law enforcement, health care providers and businesses. 7.To conduct any and all activities designed to effect and further these objectives and promote the general welfare of the Association.

Target demographics: Limited English Persons and the people who need/want to communicate with them in the community.

Geographic areas served: Tennessee and surrounding states

Programs: Conduct annual conference and other training for interpreters and translators.
Arts & Culture
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