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Mission: To provide a safe positive environment for those of alternative faiths to worship in. Assisting those that need love, support, and a community in a city that is ever growing. To educate the public about what Wicca believes and give it a face that we can be proud of so that in the future everyone knows that it is a wonderful legitimate option to practice as a spiritual path.

Results: We are one of the first Wiccan legal Non-profit Temples in the Country to have a wonderful Temple to worship in that is NOT a Supply store, but dedicated ONLY to worship that all are welcome to participate in and will be welcome at. We have a Lending library, we have established a children's room with activities and crafting stations(because we value our children and they are our future). We have a Weekly AA meeting Bell Big, Book and Candle. We pay for and sponsor Memphis Pagan meetup that meets once a month at the Temple. We have a Goddess Group to help support and empower women. We have a Men's group to help men support each other and empower themselves. We worship openly every new and full moon, and we offer a full degree system of Wiccan training that can lead to Legal Clergy ordination if you are interested. We have a staff of FOUR Clergy ordained through the Aquarian Tabernacle Church; and we support and teach for the Woolstein Theological Seminary. Every month spiritual teachers, ministers, monks, nuns, Specialists in different areas come and share their knowledge of their spiritual path, or area of specialty at the Temple of the Sacred Gift; because we believe that all paths are equal and all people are important.

Target demographics: the city of Memphis be more diverse and eliminate barriers of race, gender, and spiritual stereotypes.

Direct beneficiaries per year: hundreds of people in the city of Memphis

Geographic areas served: Memphis, Tn

Programs: Supporting the Memphis Gay and Lesbian Community Center. Founding the First Legal Wiccan Church, in the city of Memphis, TN with Clergy on staff to serve people in the whole city of any denomination. By participating in and supporting MIFA (Memphis Interfaith Ministries) by founding the First Wiccan AA group Bell Big Book and Candle, by coming to anyone and any hospital or funeral or wedding that needs us regardless of who they are. . . we are here, and you matter. We are a partner with ONE COMMUNITY CENTER in Memphis, working constantly to help UNITE Memphis and work together for Peace, and a community atmosphere where all are loved and fed.
5955 Bartlett center drive, Memphis, TN 38134
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