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Causes: Animal Protection & Welfare, Animals, Wildlife Sanctuaries

Mission:  We fight the big fights to end suffering for animals.

We work to reduce suffering and to create meaning social change for animals by advocating for sensible public policies, investigating cruelty and working to enforce existing laws. We also educate the public about animal issues, join with corporations on behalf of animal-friendly policies and conduct hands-on programs that make ours a more humane world.

We are a leading disaster relief agency for animals, and we provide direct care for thousands of animals at our sanctuary, and mobile veterinary clinics and other programs. Our track record of effectiveness has led to meaningful victories for animals at the federal level, and in state legislatures, courtrooms, and corporate boardrooms.

The Humane Society of the United States and its family of organizations embraces volunteers as essential partners in our lifesaving work. We engage volunteers in supporting staff at every level of the organization to amplify our efforts to create a more humane society. We welcome and respect our volunteers' unique identities, diverse backgrounds and experiences to build an inclusive animal welfare movement. We believe everyone can help fight for all animals!

  • We mobilized a robust emergency response to help vulnerable animals and struggling pet owners during the pandemic. We provided more than $2.7 million in grants to organizations that help animalsand pet owners, and distributed more than 4 million pounds of pet food in areas hard-hit by COVID-19.We also organized daily feedings for thousands of street animals around the world left to fend for themselves during public lockdown periods
  • We passed a bill in Congress making interstate dogfighting and cockfighting a federal felony
  • We worked with law enforcement agencies to bust abusive puppy mill operations
  • We continued to investigate and combat Canada's gruesome hunt of Atlantic harp seals, and our boycott of Canadian seafood now has the support of more than 1,000 restaurants and food businesses and 300,000 individuals
  • We saved hundreds of dogs from death in South Korea’s meat trade
  • We persuaded the National Institutes of Health to ban the new breeding of chimpanzees for research
  • We provided hands-on care to thousands of animals at our network of sanctuaries and wildlife centers
  • We responded to the wildfires in southern California, and helped save more than 1,000 animals including dogs, cats, horses, goats, and others
  • We passed the first bill in a state legislature to outlaw cruel confinement of farm animals when Oregon banned gestation crates for breeding pigs
  • Food industry leaders like Burger King, Wolfgang Puck, and Compass Group adopted ground-breaking humane reforms advanced by The HSUS
  • Our efforts persuaded leaders in the fashion industry such as Calvin Klein, Kenneth Cole, Tommy Hilfiger, and Foot Locker to go fur-free, and other designers and retailers such as Burlington Coat Factory to drastically reduce the amount of fur they sell
  • We passed two precedent-setting bills in the New York state legislature to require accurate labeling of all fur garments, and ban the electrocution of animals in fur factories
  • We passed state legislation in Illinois to ban horse slaughter
  • We continued passing laws to ban Internet hunting, with 34 states now prohibiting the practice
  • In Congress, we secured language in the Senate Interior Appropriations bill to stop the imports of polar bear trophies killed by sport hunters in the Arctic
  • We won court victories to protect endangered right whales from being harmed by fishing longlines, to stop invasive research on Steller sea lions, and to protect wolves and Canada lynx
  • Our Rural Area Veterinary Services (RAVS) program provided more than 30,000 medical treatments to animals in remote areas of the country often underserved by veterinarians

Target demographics: https://www. humanesociety. org/all-our-fights
  • Banning Trophy Hunting - Each year, hundreds of thousands of wild animals in the U. S. and around the world are killed by trophy hunters, the hunters’ primary motivation is not to get food, but simply to obtain animal parts
  • Ending Cosmetics Animal Testing - Testing cosmetics on animals is both cruel and unnecessary because companies can already create innovative products using thousands of ingredients that have a history of safe use and do not require any additional testing
  • Going Fur Free - Consumers’ concern for animal welfare is leading fashion brands, cities and countries to move away from animal fur
  • Stopping Puppy Mills - A puppy mill is an inhumane high-volume dog breeding facility that churns out puppies for profit, ignoring the needs of the pups and their mothers
  • Improving the Lives of Farm Animals - Factory farming causes billions of animals to suffer every year

Direct beneficiaries per year: https://www. humanesociety. org/our-impact

Geographic areas served: The Humane Society of the United States and its family of organizations embraces volunteers as essential partners in our lifesaving work. We engage volunteers in supporting staff at every level of the organization to amplify our efforts to create a more humane society. We welcome and respect our volunteers' unique identities, diverse backgrounds and experiences to build an inclusive animal welfare movement. We believe everyone can help fight for all animals!
1255 23rd St. NW, Suite 450, Washington, DC 20037
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