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Causes: International

Mission: Improve thinking about the future to make better decisions today

Results: Produced 19 State of the Future reports, helped move environment up the defense priories through monthly environmental security reports, managed over 300 interns, produced new collective intelligence software, input to university courses around the world, involved returned Peace Corps volunteers to conduct contact tracing in cooperation with Dr. Fauci.

Target demographics: Improve thinking about the future

Direct beneficiaries per year: est. 1000 university courses using our materials, with averaging 10 students per course for 30,000 students directly affected, readers of annual State of the Future reports 10,000 in different language editions (English, Chinese, Spanish, Russian, Arabic, Korean, French, Romanian, Czech, Azuri.

Geographic areas served: worldwide via 70 Nodes around the world

Programs: State of the Future reports, overviews of 15 Global Challenged, special studies on the future, lectures, writing and disseminating future Scenarios (Work/Tech 2050, USA Covid (for the Red Cross), 2030 Latin America, Middle East Peace, S&T, Energy, global normative); university courses in futures research and concepts; collective intelligence software, World Future Day 24-hour around-the-world conversation.
4421 Garrison Street, NW, Washington, DC 20016
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