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Causes: Health, Medical Research

Mission: The Oley Foundation is a national, independent, non-profit 501(c)(3) organization that strives to enrich the lives of patients dependent on home intravenous nutrition (parenteral) and tube feeding (enteral) through education, advocacy, and networking.

Results: Independent research shows that contact with Oley:
• lowers the incidence of catheter-related sepsis*
• reduces reactive depression*
• significantly improves quality of life*
• gives members the tools and confidence they need to manage their therapy**
• enables members to achieve normalcy in their lives. ***Home Parenteral Nutrition: Does Affiliation with a National Support and Education Organization Affect Outcomes? Smith, et. al. , JPEN 2002;26(3): 159-163.**A Qualitative Study of the Perceived Value of Membership in The Oley Foundation by Home Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition Consumers. Chopy, et al. JPEN 2014; online 17 March 2014, DOI: 10.1177/0148607114527134.

Target demographics: home nutrition support consumers (those on home parenteral and enteral nutrition)

Direct beneficiaries per year:

Geographic areas served: all areas of the globe, with patients from birth to 100+ years old.

Programs: an annual conference, a bimonthly newsletter, an equipment-supply exchange program, and other opportunities for home nutrition support consumers to network with and learn from one another and experts in the field.
Albany Medical Center MC 28 99 Delaware Avenue, Delmar, NY 12054
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