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Causes: Human Service Organizations, Human Services, Military & Veterans Organizations, Veterans

Mission: To remember, honor and assist the wounded and ill of our Armed Forces from all wars.

Results: ACCOMPLISHMENTS OF THE SILVER STAR FAMILIES OF AMERICATHE SILVER STAR FAMILIES OF AMERICA IS PROUD TO ANNOUNCE THAT WE HAVE REACHED THE 2 MILLION DOLLAR MARK IN DONATIONS to THE WOUNDED AND ILL. The SSFOA was founded in 2004 with one mission: To remember, honor and assist the wounded of our Armed Forces from all wars. Since that time, our members have donated more than 2 million dollars in volunteer time and material all while operating on a shoestring budget. Membership in 2005 8Membership in 2011 Approx. 5000Over two thousand Silver Star Banners and Certificates have been provided free of charge to our wounded and ill valued at approx, $40,000.The SSFOA has become a Veterans Administration Volunteer Services Advisory Board Member and we have donated hundreds of care packages and cards and letters to our wounded, ill and homeless valued at approx. $30,000 dollars of donated material being given to Veterans Facilities in all 50 states and Puerto Rico. Volunteers with the SSFOA have donated 47,912 hours valued at $934,763.00.http://www. volunteer. va. gov/APPS/VOLUNTEERNOW/calculator. aspThe SSFOA is a certifying organization with the Presidential Volunteer awards program and have issued 21 awards. The SSFOA has become one of the leading advocates for those wounded with Post Traumatic Stress with testimony given before Congress. Testifying organization with the Senate Veterans Affairs Committee. The SSFOA is a member of Guide star and 97.6% of every dollar donated goes to program services. The SSFOA is the sponsor of Silver Star Banner Day on May 1st of every year. In 2011,50 states, the District of Columbia, the U. S. Virgin Islands and over 2,900 cities and counties signed proclamations for our wounded. May 1st has been approved as Silver Star Service Banner Day by the United States House and Senate. The SSFOA now has a program to honor Care givers and MWD. We have started a wide variety of programs geared to our wounded and ill:SILVER STAR PROGRAMS FOR WOUNDED AND FAMILIESSilver Star Families assists our wounded and families thru programs geared to help the healing process. It is our wish to help you find avenues to meet your need. We also extend an invitation to join our online community. JOIN SSFOA Visit www. silverstarfamilies. org to see programs details. SILVER STAR BANNER SSFOA wishes to honor all service members injured in the combat zone and/or those with related illnesses including PTSD, Gulf War Syndrome, Agent Orange, and injured by friendly fire. We also honor Purple Heart recipients. To Request a Banner go to HOME page and to REQUEST BANNER GAMES FOR WOUNDEDSilver Star Families joins with Soldiers' Angels in their Lend a Hand Program. "Poly Trauma patients enjoy the games, and increase their hand eye coordination, " said Steve Newton, Co-founder of The Silver Star Families of America. An article on The Washington Post site quotes the folks at Walter Reed hospital in DC, who report that videogames make excellent therapy sessions for soldiers wounded in the Iraq conflict. In addition to the obvious medical benefits of refining motor control via controllers, the entertainment allows soldiers to reconnect to experiences they may have had prior to their combat experiences. Therapists see the games benefiting patients with nearly any kind of injury, including patients with traumatic brain injuries. Click on GAMES FOR WOUNDED on HOME page to request games for wounded during their hospital stay. HONORING HUNGRY HEROES WITH FOOD CARDSNational SSFOA has launched a new program "Honoring Hungry Heroes. " McDonald's and Taco Bell gift cards treat our Wounded Heroes to a meal or two at these restaurants and possibly their family too. Wounded or family member may request Food Cards during your hospital stay by clicking on HONORING HUNGRY HEROES. Use the same link if you wish to donate to this worthy cause. SILVER STAR LETTER WRITING TEAMSSFOA members join together in supporting our wounded overseas, statewide and in Veterans hospitals and homes with letters and cards. The team plans to reach a goal of 10,000 letters during the National Salute to Hospitalized Veterans. Please fill out the form at JOIN SSFOA to become a Silver Star volunteer and indicate that you wish to join the Writing Team. PTS and TBI RESOURCESGIVE AN HOUR SSFOA teamed up with Give an Hour an organization dedicated to developing and maintaining a national network of volunteers capable of responding to both acute and chronic conditions that arise within our society. Their first target is the Soldiers and their families who are being affected by the current conflicts. Click on GIVE AN HOUR for details. WHAT IS PTS Symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTS) can be terrifying. They may disrupt your life and make it hard to continue with your daily activities. It may be hard just to get through the day. PTS symptoms usually start soon after the traumatic event, but they may not happen until months or years later. They also may come and go over many years. If the symptoms last longer than 4 weeks, cause you great distress, or interfere with your work or home life, you probably have PTS. More details on www. silverstarfamilies. orgFIND HELP IN YOUR AREA I am an American Veteran. Who do I contact for help with PTS? See Area Map Contact your local VA Hospital or Veterans Center located in your telephone book, or call the VA Health Benefits Service Center toll free at 1-877-222-VETS. In addition to its medical centers, VA also has many CBOCs (Community Based Outpatient Clinics) around each state so you can look for one in your community. You can also use any of the information on treatment for the general public. PTS RESOURCES for list of resources go to www. silverstarfamilies. org PTS NEWS DoD Receives Mental Health Task Force Results. Secretary of Defense Robert Gates received the Department of Defense Task Force on Mental Health results and forwarded them to the Congress on June 14.The department will have six months to develop and implement a corrective action plan. REMEMBRANCE OF SERVICEDedicated to John A. Courant the "Destroyerman"The Silver Star Families of America and the Thank You Foundation wish to say THANK YOU to our many Patriots who have been wounded while actively serving the United States of America by presenting them with a Certificate. Click on REMEMBRANCE OF SERVICE found in the links on www. silverstarfamilies. orgHospice ProgramPrayers Blankets are provided for our dying veterans. VETERANS PROGRAMSHOMELESS VETERANS: To see a list of of stand downs planned for 2008 and other homeleses Vets resources. INCARCERATED VETERANS The Silver Stars will never forget any wounded Veteran be they homeless or incarcerated. We are there. WOMEN VETERANS See a list of resources to benefit women veterans. VA COMPLAINTS Process for complaints and VA HotlineNational Headquarters Silver Star Families of America 525 Cave Hollow Road, Clever, MO 65631-6313

Target demographics: The Wounded and Ill of our Armed Forces

Direct beneficiaries per year: Thousands

Geographic areas served: National/International
525 Cave Hollow Rd., Clever, MO 65631
Human Services
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