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Causes: Food, Food Banks & Pantries, Homeless & Housing, Housing Support

Mission: Our mission is to honor america's veterans by supporting programs that provide employment, housing and financial assistance to prepare them for returning to society as productive citizens.

Programs: Work program: in most cases when a veteran is in need of financial assistance, it is due to lack of employment. The vso work program gives jobless veterans and other needy americans the opportunity to earn an income and regain financial independence free from government or private assistance and build self-esteem while helping fellow veterans in distress. The work program also brings veterans into contact with each other, helping establish a supportive network among the veterans we serve. Vso prefers to offer our veterans the opportunity to raise donations in lieu of hiring outside solicting firms which often charge hefty sums with little benefit. During 2014, approximately 680 veterans and needy americans participated in the vso work program.

veteran housing: the purpose of the veteran housing program is to provide sober, subsidized, transitional living for indigent veterans and to offer supportive services to help veterans recover from addiction and/or life's misfortunes quickly so they can return to a successful independent lifestyle. Unfortunately, the veteran housing program was terminated in february 2014.

grant program: the veterans support organization provides financial grants to veterans and leading veteran support agencies. We also donate non-monetary items to help improve the lives of veterans.

grant program: the veterans support organization provides financial grants to veterans and leading veteran support agencies. We also donate non- monetary items to help improve the lives of veterans.

Donor & Volunteer Advisory

This organization's nonprofit status may have been revoked or it may have merged with another organization or ceased operations.
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