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Causes: Christianity, Community Improvement & Capacity Building, Food, Food, Agriculture & Nutrition, Military & Veterans Organizations, Religion, Veterans

Mission: The Vision/Plan for The Vineyard MinistriesDr. Jacob S. Hopson, Th. D. , Senior Pastor In a community saturated with religion, our goal is to avoid the promulgation of programmatic cultural-Christianity, while seeking to bring pure and undefiled religion in the name of Christ. The plan we have as a church seeks to be biblical with several interrelated aspects. First, The Vineyard will increase numerically, if God wills. However, church growth is not our goal; gospel growth and an increase in the Word is our aim. We desire to mature in Christ and be faithful witnesses for Christ. We pray that God’s word would increase among us and that the gospel would grow in our midst. Gospel growth is our goal. We will water and plant while trusting God for the increase. We realize the need for change and by God’s grace, we will become firmly established in our faith seeking to be disciple-making disciples. In order to achieve these goals we plan to do the following:Focus less on programs and more on people. Our goal is people growth and not program growth. We desire to keep from viewing people as a means to an end of ecclesiastic growth. Our desire is to encourage each other to walk in Christ, rooted and built up in him, well established in the faith. Gospel growth will come through proclaiming Christ, warning everyone in Christ, and teaching everyone with all wisdom, that we may present everyone mature in Christ. To achieve these goals we will struggle with all of his energy that he powerfully works within us. We seek to do this daily and encourage each other in Christ to be faithful to our calling. Preach the word in season and out of season. Utilizing the traditional meetings will accomplish this goal. By training the people of the church, through our various meetings, how to share the gospel in a variety of ways, we pray the God will give the increase. Preach the gospel, for it is the power of God unto salvation. Preach the gospel to the regenerate and unregenerate alike. Preach the gospel in its fullest and richest sense, knowing that in it the righteousness of God is revealed from faith for faith. Second, we believe that if we equip the church to do the work of the ministry each person will uniquely utilize the gifts of the Spirit for the glory of Christ. Each person will use his or her gifts for the common good of the body of Christ making it grow, being built up in love. Through this ministry, the church will become a more lucid gospel witness. This gospel witness will be evident in three ways:In the lives of individual members displaying the fruit of the Spirit, while speaking boldly for Christ where he has placed them. In our gatherings. We will seek to display and proclaim Christ in all that we do. Our meetings shall contain the verbal proclamation of the gospel as well as a visual witness to the power of the gospel in changed lives as we fellowship. And not only in changed lives but also in how we interact with the people of God.

Results: PROPOSAL FORThe Vineyard's Storehouse Introduction The United States is the second largest importer in the world. We import everything from seafood to produce, capital goods to automobiles and parts, creating huge revenues for governments in foreign lands. A majority of our imports comes from China. Doing so leaves the U. S. consumer with the tremendous burden of having to afford to feed their families. Once the food or product are imported, the cost of doing business is enacted by every agency and company that the product goes through. The most important thing is that feeding your family should not be a burden. The Vineyard is aspiring, with your help, to open and maintain The Storehouse. We have a detailed plan to open and operate a grocery store where the consumers are members of The Vineyard and can shop at The Storehouse with their unique identification card. It is also open to the public. Vision The Storehouse will be a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that provides top quality meat, produce and other foods, products and associated services at wholesale prices without the need for coupons, reward cards or discount cards. Mission The Storehouse will serve as an actual storehouse; an abundant source of supply whereas a benefit, members of The Vineyard and the public, may shop for fresh meat, produce, and other foods and products in a community warehouse which is conveniently located in their neighborhood and be able to spend less while receiving more for their dollar. Expected Outcomes The Storehouse will operate within the convenience of their neighborhood so long drives to a commercially owned grocery store are eliminated. The costs will be competitively lower than the commercially owned grocery stores, as The Storehouse is a non-profit grocery store in a warehouse facility. Members who shop at The Storehouse will be able to spend very little and get more. Support local farmers within the Hampton Roads community. Decrease the dependence on imported items from foreign countries. The Storehouse will provide job opportunities with salaries approximately 5% higher than minimum wage if qualified. Structure In order to fulfill our outcomes, after the acquisition is complete, we would begin recruitment of an experienced management team and supporting staff. Our intention is to recruit and discretionally hire those who are not only qualified but are genuinely concerned with the mission of The Storehouse. We would collaborate with other agencies to have all essential personnel on campus. We will meet regularly and have in-service training to maintain our competitive edge. We will be a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Our inventory will be derived from local farms and agencies, as best we can. In order to shop and receive top discounts, one must obtain a unique identification card and be an active member of The Vineyard community and church.
1529 E. Pembroke Ave, Hampton, VA 23663
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