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Causes: Education

Mission: Each student is an individual who has diverse aptitudes and different learning styles. Building on this fundamental concept, The Toa Nafasi Project addresses the needs of primary students in Tanzania to assess their abilities, cultivate strengths, and resolve weaknesses. We work with teachers, parents, and the community at large to enrich the classroom experience and devise innovative and inspiring teaching methodologies that encourage participation and critical thinking. The goal of The Toa Nafasi Project is to elicit creativity and distinction in academic performance, extracurricular activities, and to provide each student with a chance to excel.

Results: To date The Toa Nafasi Project has achieved the following:- In 2012 The Project undertook the design phase of the program for its introduction as a pilot into two classes of a school in 2013 with 19 students with learning difficulties, and one Tanzanian volunteer and the Founder as tutors. In 2014, our numbers grew to 60 students with an additional tutor and in 2015 four more tutors were employed bring the total to seven including the Founder. In 2016 we expanded to an additional three schools with around 250 students and 13 tutors. - Since 2013, we have enabled over 95% of Standard One and Two students to acquire the rudiments of literacy and numeracy, meet the national standard for first and second graders, and qualify to move onto the next grade. - Every year, we help children receive treatment for medical conditions that impair their learning. Since 2013, the number of students taken on referral appointments and given medical or psychosocial treatment totals approximately 80.- Since 2012, The Project has become the site of a model school program, communication hub, mediating structure, and network of support for more than 600 children and their families. - Since 2012, The Gabriella Rehabilitation Centre in Moshi has been a valuable local partner for Toa Nafasi. The Centre makes the therapy sessions, assessment tests, and support groups available to parents and family members. It has also become home to seven of The Project's children, who, because of the severity of their problems and the challenges they face in their families, communities, and schools, require a self-contained environment, the benefits of a therapeutic community, and a chance to find a place to thrive. - In February 2018, Nipashe, a major national newspaper in Tanzania, published the article—“Secret Success in Education Revealed”—about The Toa Nafasi Project. A spokesman for the office of the Director of Moshi Municipality was quoted as saying that “the activities of The Toa Nafasi Project have demonstrated a permeation of good results for the fourth and seventh grades in Moshi Municipality. ”- In March 2018, the Director, Moshi Municipal Council, wrote a letter of commendation stating that work undertaken by The Project in early childhood education and development is “fundamental for a well-adapted future” for students in the early grades of primary school. The Director also asserted that “The Toa Nafasi Project is an admirable example of how international NGOs (private sector) can support and improve existing government systems (public sector). This kind of public-private partnership is an excellent way to ensure sustainability and replicability of philanthropic endeavors in Tanzania, Africa and the developing world at large. ”

Target demographics: young children with learning difficulties and disempowered local women

Direct beneficiaries per year: over 250 students and 13 women

Geographic areas served: Kilimanjaro Region, Northern Tanzania, East Africa

Programs: assessment, referral to health professionals where necessary and tutoring for the children, and training and employment as tutors for local women
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