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Causes: International, International Development, Philanthropy, Philanthropy, Charity & Voluntarism Promotion, Voluntarism Promotion

Mission: UniversalGiving™ is a web-based marketplace that helps people give and volunteer with the top-performing, vetted organizations all over the world.

Target demographics: We have opportunities to give or volunteer with a wide variety of causes, like children, the environment, women’s rights, conflict resolution.    What’s your cause?  Visit us, and we’ll help you help the cause you care about.

Direct beneficiaries per year: We offer more than a thousand ways to give and volunteer internationally.

Geographic areas served: Global--our opportunities are in more than 100 countries.

Programs: Visitors to our site can give to organizations, select projects to donate to, or choose a gift package--an opportunity to give to a cause as a gift for a loved one. You can also give someone a gift certificate, so they can choose their own cause. If you want to get on the ground with a cause, we have hundreds of opportunities to volunteer too!
, San Francisco, CA 94111
San Francisco
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