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Causes: Economic Development, International, International Economic Development, Microfinance

Mission: Our mission is to create dignified jobs for the poorest of the poor by building scalable businesses with investment and consulting support.

Results: Based on our current partners, we have seen most households at minimum double their average daily income due to the new jobs created. We have also seen in our work so far how doubling household income immediately allows families to quadruple the amount they spend on food each month. In as little as nine months, we have seen almost all employed households improve the quantity and quality of their meals. As we look ahead, we also expect to see improvements in the quality of a family’s housing, ability to purchase productive assets, and capacity to keep their children - girls and boys - in school through their teenage years. Upaya works closely with each partner business to collect, analyze, monitor, and report these metrics on a regular basis.

Target demographics: Create jobs for those living under $1.90 a day

Direct beneficiaries per year: Over 22,000 jobholders.

Geographic areas served: India

Programs: Upaya fights extreme poverty from the ground up by building scalable businesses, dignified jobs, and long-term prosperity in the world’s most vulnerable communities. We envision a world where everyone has the opportunity to earn a dignified living and pursue their dreams. We believe in a hand-up, not a hand-out, and that access to sustainable, dignified jobs can be the bridge from poverty to prosperity. We identify early-stage businesses with the greatest potential for job creation in the world’s most vulnerable communities. Through our investments and accelerator program, we help entrepreneurs grow their businesses and create jobs that lift families out of extreme poverty.
508 Yale Ave N #214, Seattle, WA 98109
Economic Development
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