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Causes: Civil Rights, Human Service Organizations, Human Services, Lesbian & Gay Rights, LGBTQ, Neighborhood Centers

Mission: Utah Pride is a catalyst for building and celebrating the strength, equality, dignity and self-determination of the LGBTQ community throughout Utah. We are committed to excellence in execution and the continuing improvement of all programs, services, education and advocacy. We value and support individuals, families, and allies and building partnerships across communities.

Results: The Utah Pride Center has been catalyzing the growth of Utah's LGBTQ community since 1992.We serve people of all ages with a variety of programs and services including the renowned Utah Pride Festival.

Target demographics: LGBTQ individuals, their families and allies living in Utah.

Direct beneficiaries per year: 50,000

Geographic areas served: Utah

Programs: The Utah Pride Center focuses on providing meaningful and supportive programs to GLBT people and their allies in Utah. To augment the offerings, the Center also partners with several Affiliate Programs. See our website for a more comprehensive description of our offerings.
1380 S Main St, Salt Lake City, UT 84115
Civil Rights
Salt Lake City
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