I own a 2004 ford f250 6.0l diesel powerstroke and this truck has always preferred Valvoline semi synthetic or full synthetic . I haven't noticed much difference between either but Valvolineakes a quality product and compared to other oils shell rotella or even Lucas the powerstroke seems to like this brand and I have noticed since using Valvoline it quiets down the engine keeps temps lower longer and I get cleaner oil longer and with Blackstone testing noticed oil last about 7,500 -8,000 miles when using archoil oil additive and still decent enough to use at that point . I just do a yearly oil change with how much I drive this I more than enough . Will be a Valvoline oil fan for life as I'm sure it has saves me alot of wear and hassle vs if I were to use the other big names . Also great value and easy to find in stores as well .
[5 of 5 Stars!]