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Causes: Food, Food Programs, Homeless & Housing, Homeless Centers, Homeless Shelters, Human Services

Mission: Our mission is to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ through actions and involvement in the lives of folks who are homeless, battered, displaced, abandoned, run-a-way, or throw-a-way. Our services include housing, food, re-education on budgeting and job ethics, counseling, clothing, personal care items, & group Christian meetings four times a week. Their stay at our campus is determined by their rate of "growth" and desire to change for the better. They must be willing to find and secure full-time employment and follow rules.

Target demographics: homeless families, battered women, run-a-ways, and parents (with children) who need to get back on their feet. Our average population is 42 folks (usually a quarter of those are children). We house, feed, clothe, and counsel the folks who live at the home

Direct beneficiaries per year: literally hundreds of homeless folks and families to get back on their feet.

Geographic areas served: the State of Mississippi, but take referrals from anywhere on the planet

Programs: shelter, clothing, food, personal items, resume service, employment help, budgeting classes, GED classes, transportation, and educational opportunities.
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