I got my adjustable bar stools very quickly after ordering them for a kitchen island. They are small enough that I am thinking about ordering two more. They were easy to put together and I am not mechanically inclined at all. The instructions are all in diagram format, so make sure you check to see if you have all parts first. The seats look and feel pretty sturdy, but I don't think a person over 200 lbs would be comfortable. There is not much surface area on the seat and they are not cushy enough to sit on for long periods of time. My four year old thinks they are the greatest and loves to spin on them and my ten year old enjoys being able to sit in the kitchen and adjust them at a height that works so she can do her homework. Fortunately, you have to be a certain minimum weight to adjust them which is a good thing. The only drawback is that I wish I had gotten them in brown to better match my dining set, but black works ok. Overall, I am pleased with my purchase.
Rating: [4 of 5 Stars!]