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Causes: Domestic Violence, Family Violence Shelters, Homeless & Housing, Housing Support, Human Services, Victims Services

Mission: The mission of Women Outreaching Women is to empower battered women, empower children and to create community awareness about family violence.

DomesticViolence Emergency Shelter
The mission of Women OutreachingWomen is to empower battered women, empower children and to create communityawareness about family violence. On September 1,2004, they opened thefirst and only emergency domestic violence shelter in Livingston Parish. Theyhave provided over 18,000 safe nights for women and children fleeing fromdomestic violence. They established a 24-hour crisis hotline that responds toapproximately twenty-five crisis calls each month. For the most part, womencall to see what services are available in an effort to prepare for the nextbattering occurrence. Calls have come from parents about their daughters whoare living in abusive relationships and even friends or neighbors who oftenwitness the abuse. Approximately 7 to 10 crisis calls each month are frombattered women who are desperately seeking a place to hide from theperpetrator. The sheltercan accommodate up to 9 people and is filled to capacity 90% of the time. Onaverage, women stay 30 to 45 days. WOW works with shelters in neighboringparishes to accommodate client overflow. Approximately 25% of the clients arereferred to neighboring shelters. FREE, CONFIDENTIAL SERVICESAVAILABLE
(Programsand services are available FREE of charge to all battered women and/or formerlybattered women and their children. )

Safety Planning

Domestic Violence and SexualAssault Education

Assistance with ObtainingTemporary Restraining Orders

Legal Advocacy

Permanent Supportive Housing forsingle women with disabilities


Referral to Safe Housing(Emergency, Transitional, Supportive and Permanent)

Applications for Public Assistance

Online Assistance with SocialSecurity Benefits including SOARS

Referral to Medical Services andPharmacy Discounts

Counseling/Advocacy/ CaseManagement

Food Pantry

Financial Empowerment

Crisis Hotline

Support Groups

Classes and training for jobs, life skills, and more.

Financial Assistance (Rents &Utilities)

SpiritualCounseling (if desired)

Women Outreaching Women believes and advocates forZERO TOLERANCE FOR DOMESTIC VIOLENCE. Itis NOT okay for one human being to harm another human being. They recognize each other as membersof the human family entitled to equal and inalienable rights ensuring everyonefreedom, justice and peace. They believe everyone is entitled to these rightsand freedoms, without distinction of any kind, such as race, color, sex, language, religion, sexual orientation, property, or of the political or jurisdictionalstatus to which a person belongs. Theybelieve that all people are entitled to freedom from mistreatment. They believe everyone should be freefrom fear of abuse. They believeeveryone has the right to life, liberty and security of person. They believe no one should besubjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment. They believe in educating thecommunity to promote respect for these rights and freedoms.

Donor & Volunteer Advisory

This organization's nonprofit status may have been revoked or it may have merged with another organization or ceased operations.
Domestic Violence
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