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Causes: International, International Relief

Mission: The mission of Women Work Together is to raise the socio-economic status of Guatemalan women and girls by cultivating and strengthening their ability to work effectively in groups and aspire to leadership, thus accelerating positive changes in their lives and in their communities.

Results: During 2010 Women Work Together made 2 working trips to San Pedro Sacatepéquez, spending a total of 7 weeks there working directly with over 1500 women and girls from rural villages, plus 30 U. S. and Guatemalan volunteers. More specifically,
•WWT established an ongoing Leadership Institute program for junior high age girls to include follow-up through the girls’ transition to young adulthood.
•WWT visited ten rural Girls Clubs (average size 35), each started by girls from our Leadership Institute. The members briefed us on their progress and plans, and we facilitated team-building workshops.
•WWT worked with the City to establish a paid team of extension workers whom we are training to support our work with Women’s Groups and Girls Clubs in 14 villages.
•WWT recruited Girls Club members’ mothers and community mentors to collaborate with our extension workers and the girls’ teachers to support each Club.
•WWT continued working with Women’s Groups, offering more than 30 workshops on team building and empowerment. During 2011, Women Work Together will return to San Pedro with volunteer teams in March and November. On each trip we will advance our Leadership Institute and Women’s Workshops, work with Girls’ Clubs, train local extension workers, and strengthen our partnership with the SPS Women’s Office. We will also incorporate two new emphases:
•WWT will introduce Madres e Hijas (Mothers and Daughters) a program to join the two generations in their efforts to educate girls. The Women’s Workshops will provide a place for mothers to strategize around the challenges of sending their daughters (even just one) to school and consider the effects on their lives of their own lack of education.
•WWT will step-up our recruiting and training of local university students, mothers, and community members to work with the Women’s Office team year round, and alongside our U. S. volunteers during our field trips.

Target demographics: Our primary target is junior high age girls 12-16 years old in the Mayan highlands of Guatemala, along with women in these same villages, the girls' teachers, a dedicated corps of municipally-funded extension workers, university-based interns and other community volunteers.

Direct beneficiaries per year: Nearly 100 girls attend the Leadership Institute; the14 Girls Clubs membership totals 500 + girls; Womens Workshops touch another 500 + women; trainings for outreach workers, teachers, interns and other SPS volunteers impact some 50 people; about 20-25 volunteers travel to San Pedro to work with us and staff our workshops side-buy-side with our partners there.

Geographic areas served: San Pedro Sacatepéquez, San Marcos, Guatemala

Programs: Leadership Institute for Junior High Age Girls, Girls Clubs, Book Circles, Women Workshops, Trainings for City staff, teachers, university interns and community volunteers.

Donor & Volunteer Advisory

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