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Causes: International, International Academic Exchange

Mission: Wes advances the global mobility and integration of people into academic and professional settings by evaluating and advocating for recognition of international educational qualifications, and enabling individuals to fully utilize their education.

Programs: Credential evaluation - wes operates a foreign credential evaluation service in the united states and canada. The service processes applications for evaluation for the following areas: immigration (52%), education (40%), employment (4%), professional licensing (3%) and other (1%).

global talent bridge - wes helps skilled immigrants overcome the barriers that keep them from fully utilizing their talents and education in the united states and canada by providing professional development and training to the staff of community and government organizations, direct outreach, and research studies and resources.

training and publications - wes provides training on foreign credential evaluation methods and procedures, international recruitment strategies, and country educational systems through workshops and webinars. Wes produces world education news & reviews, a monthly online publication for professionals in international education, which includes analyses of international trends, "how to" articles on credential evaluation with sample documents, and up-to-date profiles of the educational systems of various countries.
One Battery Park Plaza 3rd Floor, New York, NY 10004
New York
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