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Tips to Achieve Fundraising Success

We know you are working for a great cause. Fundraising goes beyond just collecting funds, it helps you spread awareness about your cause, double your impact, garner support, and attract potential new donors. Here are some information setting & campaign promotion tips about how to achieve a successful fundraising campaign.

How to set the information for the fundraising campaign?

How to promote your fundraising campaign?

How to set the information for the fundraising campaign?

Here are some important factors that will affect the success of your campaign:


1). Interest your audience

Know the main audience for your fundraising theme and choose products that interest them.

2). Easy to spread the campaign

Choose products that are practical or easy to display your fundraising information.

3). Meet multiple needs

Provide products available in multiple sizes and colors to satisfy the majority of donors.

4). Engaging Design

The design can include representative patterns, organization logos, slogans that elicit emotion, or bright colors to attract more supporters.

5). No Minimum Order Products

No minimum order products allow you to order just the quantity you need, which is particularly beneficial for smaller-scale fundraising campaigns.


Our fundraising platform always gives you a fundraising default price for reference. This price is the one we think is suitable, and you can also refer to the following price standard and your goal to adjust the price.

1). Minimum price

We have a minimum price limit. If the price you set that risks losing money, you can't go any lower.

2). Maximum price

We don’t have a maximum price limit. But we suggest that you have to consider your potential donors’ financial situation. The price can't be so high that the people who are most passionate about your cause have no chance of attending.
The profit margin is best not exceeding 40%. You can calculate the profit margin by dividing the profit (revenue minus costs) by the revenue.


1). Enough Campaign Date

We offer the date options ranging from 2 to 4 weeks. If your activity is not urgent, we recommend choosing 4 weeks, which can give your supporters enough time to support and spread the campaign.

2). Extended Campaign

If needed, you can extend your fundraiser by 1 to 4 days through your Fundraising Campaign Dashboard.
Just click "My Account" -- "Manage Fundraiser" to your fundraising campaign dashboard and click the blue button “Extend”. Choose the appropriate date you want to extend.

3). Relaunch Campaign

When the campaign has come to an end while there are so many passionate supporters who haven't donated yet, you can relaunch the campaign with ease. Just click "My Account" -- "Manage Fundraiser" to your fundraising campaign dashboard and click the red button "Relaunch". Then you can edit and preview your fundraising information and relaunch the campaign.

Fundraising information

1). Brief Title

  • Use the specific name of someone, a team, or a nonprofit organization.
  • Use words that inspire action, such as “Help”, “Support”, “let’s”, “Work Together”, “Do You Want to X?”, etc.
  • Be brief and quickly understandable.

2). Engaging Description

Tell your supporters what the campaign is about, why it is important to you, and how their support will make a big difference.
You can add a video about your campaign which can help illustrate your story and arouse supporters’ emotional resonance.

How to promote your fundraising campaign?

For your event to be successful, strong promotion is essential. Here are 5 marketing strategies to promote your fundraising campaign:

1. Email Marketing

Email marketing should be at the core of your fundraising campaign promotion strategy.

Don’t be shy to reach out to your families, friends, and colleagues who are your most potential supporters to spread the word. In addition, sending emails to nonprofit organizations which are related to your cause, sympathetic organizations, or charities may get more support and expand your impact.

In general, most of your donors need to hear about your fundraising campaign several times before committing to donate money. You can send emails in a different time periods. In addition, inserting photos that inject emotion into your email layouts may encourage people to keep reading and donate.

1). Fundraising Campaign Warm-up Email

As we said, the early bird gets the worm, especially when it comes to fundraising marketing campaigns. Send warm-up emails to your potential donors when the fundraiser begins so that they can plan ahead.

Email Template:

Theme: xxx (specific name), let’s help xxx (your fundraising cause) together.

Hello xxx (specific name),

xxx (Introduce yourself/your organization).

xxx (Introduce your fundraising cause).

To support us, just click the link to my fundraiser below. Thank you for all your support.

Support or Share Now (link to fundraising campaign)

If you are interested to learn more, I’d love to talk about my fundraiser in more detail, so please don’t hesitate to reach out.

Best Wishes
Your Name

2). Fundraising Campaign Remind Email

You can re-email potential donors who have an impression of your fundraising campaign, which will make it easier for them to empathize and donate.

Email Template:

Theme: xxx (specific name), how could help xxx (your fundraising cause)?

Hello xxx (specific name),

You might have heard that I’m fundraising to xxx (your fundraising cause). This cause is very important to me because xxx (tell your reason honestly to arouse supporters’ emotional resonance).

Would you be willing to make a contribution to my fundraiser? We know the difference your donation can make, xxx (specific name).

To support my cause, simply click the link to my fundraiser below:

Buy a T-shirt Now (link to a fundraiser)

I will really appreciate it if you could share my fundraiser link with everyone you know. The more exposure I get, the faster I will reach my fundraising goal. Thank you!

Best Wishes
Your Name

3). Fundraising Campaign Countdown Email

Right before the fundraiser going to be ended, sending a fundraising campaign countdown email can create a sense of urgency, which helps drive fundraising product sales.

Email Template:

Theme: xxx (specific name), Only 12 hours (The end time of the campaign) to help us reach our fundraising goal!

Hello xxx (specific name),

As you can see, in the past two weeks (the past time), we did our best to raise $1,000 (current funding) for helping the homeless (your fundraising cause).

Right now, we’re only $200 (money to be raised) away from our goal. If you can buy a baseball cap (your fundraising product), we will get 5%(show what the money can do) closer to our goal. But with 12 hours (The end time of the campaign) left, we need your help!

Here is a link of our fundraising campaign:

Support Now (link to your fundraiser link).

Your donation can xxx (fundraising cause). Please check out our website/link (link to your website or fundraiser link) for more details.

I appreciate all of your support! I wouldn’t be able to accomplish xxx (fundraising goal) without your help!

Best Wishes
Your Name

2. Social Media

Using social media fundraising is a big opportunity to promote your campaign widely and turn followers into donors, such as periodically (at least once a week) posting on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, TikTok, and so on. Here are some tips about sharing on social media:

1). Content:

You can post your fundraising link as well as fundraising cause, fundraising story, or any content that keeps potential donors engaged with your cause and support your campaign.

2). Hashtag:

Create a unique and brief hashtag for your fundraising campaign, so followers can easily track fundraising related update in real time.

3). Call to Action:

Use some CTA words to drive more sales, such as:

  • Verbs of action like “Support“ “Help“ “Give“ “Donate“ “Fight”
  • Words suggesting urgency like “Now” “Today”
  • Personal pronouns like “I” “You” ” We”
  • "Donate Now," "Share with your friends," or "Join our event."

4). Photo or video:

The photo helps to stand out more. You can also post photos about last year’s campaign to relive a great memory, which may encourage people to sign up for this year’s fundraising campaign.

The video can record your actions, tell stories about your beneficiaries, or interview your supporters to show people how they can get involved and the impact that will make on the world.

Take Facebook as A Specific Example

To use Facebook efficiently for promoting a fundraising campaign, consider implementing these five methods:

Engage with compelling content: Create engaging and compelling content that resonates with your target audience. Share impactful stories, images, and videos that highlight the mission and impact of your fundraising campaign. Use storytelling techniques to evoke emotions and inspire action.

Utilize Facebook Events: Create a Facebook Event dedicated to your fundraising campaign. Include all relevant details, such as the date, time, and purpose of the event. Invite your friends, supporters, and community members to attend, and encourage them to invite their networks as well. Regularly update the event page with additional information, updates, and reminders.

Leverage Facebook Groups: Join and actively participate in Facebook Groups that align with your cause or target audience. Engage in conversations, provide valuable insights, and share relevant content related to your fundraising campaign. Build relationships, establish credibility, and subtly promote your campaign when appropriate, keeping in mind the group's rules and guidelines.

Collaborate with Influencers: Identify influential individuals or organizations on Facebook who align with your cause or have a significant following. Reach out to them and propose a collaboration or partnership to promote your fundraising campaign. This could involve hosting joint events, sharing each other's content, or leveraging their influence to amplify your campaign's reach.

Utilize Facebook Ads: Facebook Ads offer a powerful and targeted advertising platform. Use Facebook Ads Manager to create ads tailored to your specific audience based on demographics, interests, and behaviors. Experiment with different ad formats, such as image ads, video ads, or carousel ads, to capture attention and drive engagement. Continuously monitor and optimize your ads based on their performance metrics.

Engage with your Audience: Actively engage with your Facebook audience by responding to comments, messages, and inquiries promptly. Show appreciation for donations, answer questions, and provide regular campaign updates. Interacting with your audience helps build trust, foster a sense of community, and encourages continued support.

Set Up Automated Responses: Utilize Facebook Messenger's automated responses to promptly thank potential donors for their interest and share a link to your fundraising campaign.

3. Website

Create a dedicated campaign landing page: If you have a nonprofit organization website, you can leverage your website to point people to the event. For example, you can create a banner on your website’s homepage that direct people straight to your fundraising campaign page. You can also design a dedicated landing page on your website specifically for your fundraising campaign. This page should provide clear and concise information about your cause, goals, and how people can get involved or contribute. Make sure to include a prominent call-to-action (CTA) button or donation form to encourage immediate action.

Showcase campaign progress: Regularly update your website with the progress of your fundraising campaign. Display a visual representation, such as a progress bar or infographic, to show the amount of funds raised and how close you are to your goal. This instills a sense of urgency and encourages visitors to contribute.

Include social sharing buttons: Integrate social sharing buttons on your website to make it easy for visitors to share your fundraising campaign with their social media networks. Encourage supporters to share their contributions and invite others to join the cause. This can significantly expand your reach and attract new donors.

Optimize for mobile devices: Ensure that your website is mobile-friendly and responsive, as a significant portion of internet traffic comes from mobile devices. A seamless mobile experience will enhance accessibility and encourage more visitors to engage with your campaign.

4. Local Events and Clubs

Your community may host many events, festivals, sporting events, and more that offer the opportunity to draw attention to your event. Staff, volunteers, and community members are potential donors and the best campaign communicator.

5. Media Partners

Nonprofit causes can cooperate with local media or businesses as they will boost their reputation and expand their influence by supporting nonprofits. You can submit a press release to newspapers, magazines, specialty publications, radio and TV stations, and more.