Looks really cool! Great quality here. Good stitching, good materials, good design. It has significant heft to it - 22lbs I was told. I haven't yet weighed it. But it fits close to the body without any plates or bags to shift around, which feels amazing! I don't know what's in here, but it's not a standard gel insert. The weight is not adjustable. It hides well under loose clothing. And it's pretty tough, too. Looks and feels like Batman armor. I had a friend hit me with a bat and felt no discomfort! It is quite taught in the shoulders for me, restricting arm movement some. And I'm a big guy - 6'2, 205lbs. So, if you're smaller, beware. It's big. But honestly, some red spots in the shoulders is worth it for me. Most vests shift all over and provide little protection. This feels pretty awesome. Would definitely recommend to anyone 6', and anyone with broad shoulders.
Rating: [5 of 5 Stars!]